Day 9: Rules in Winter Wonderland

Some rules are necessary when many people live together. Others are a consequence of a few people violating other people's boundaries, like rules forbidding snowball fights. There is nothing wrong with snowball fights until someone throws an icy one straight into your face. So far, guidelines around snowball fights have been enough for my children, and I hope it will continue that way.  

Stockholm has turned into a winter wonderland this week. It's fantastic! And it means snowball fights every day. I love it. At my son's preschool, snowball fights are allowed. When I taught in schools, they were always forbidden. We needed to minimize play and choice to protect people from being abused. Am I dreaming, or will it be possible, one, day to allow snowball fights in secondary school and have all the kids feeling good about it?

While enjoying the gifts of nature today, I feel so much gratitude to my 5-year-old and a 7-year-old children. They make going out to play with

them irresistible. The toddler years were hard work. Now it pays off. Every day brings along a struggle or two, but it is a beautiful gift to have my kids. ❤

#smallpleasures #rules #agency #self-knowledge #winter #snow #snowballfights #play #choice #nature #consent #consentskills #schools #children #learning #teaching #consentskills #agreements #explicitagreements 

#implicitagreements #consentopportunities #beliefs #patterns #children#play #playful #parenting #negotiations #samtyckeshjulet

#samtycke #barn #utbildning #lärande #power #privilege #responsibility #utbildning #lärare #gratitude #love #smallpleasures #communication #selfempowerment #tacksamhet #snö #snöbollskrig #sofiakreissl


Day 10: I Know You Know – but How Much Do You Know?


Day 8: Agreements are the Core of Consent