Day 8: Agreements are the Core of Consent

When was the last time that you sat down and talked about the agreements you have in your family? When did you go over the explicit ones, and even more importantly, the implicit ones?

When things are not working out, it's good to look at implicit agreements or update the explicit ones. What are you expecting from each other? What have you agreed to do? What are the rules that come along with living in your family and where do you have a choice?

We change and grow. Our power and our responsibility changes all the time. Is it time to update some things our kids used to be too young to handle?

I'll sit down with my family this evening to write down the implicit agreements we have. I look forward to it. And this time, my daughter gets to practice her newfound writing skills and have my full attention devoted to it! 💖

#kind #Giving #leadership #equality #agreements #slowingdown #patience #easydoesit #consentpractice #consent #Consent#consentskills #gratitude #love #smallpleasures #communication selfempowerment #children #learning #teaching #consentskills #agreements #explicitagreements #implicitagreements consentopportunities #beliefs #patterns #children#play #playful #parenting #negotiations #samtyckeshjulet #samtycke #barn #utbildning #lärande #power #privilege #responsibility #utbildning #lärare


Day 9: Rules in Winter Wonderland


Day 7: Take - Allow