Day 14 What Makes Their Eyes Shine While Taking Care of Yourself
Curiosity is the spark of learning. Fun and pleasure are great motivators. Find that spark of interest in your children and follow it. Which are your child's favorite senses and learning styles? What makes their eyes shine? What do they like to talk about and do?
In school, your child needs to adapt to the needs of 25-30 other students. At home, we have more opportunities to facilitate learning adapted to their individual talents and preferences.
Inquiring into and honoring what our children want pays off. They learn to feel what they want, and as a bonus, you get to practice your boundaries.
So today, we wrestled. It's on the edge of my willingness. I didn't plan to be in the Allow quadrant, but that's where I ended up. To learn more about the Wheel of Consent and the Allow quadrant watch Betty Martin explain the Wheel of Consent, a revolutionary model and practice.
The problem with wresting besides my lack of enthusiasm is that my son is two years younger than his sister but ten times more dangerous. It was fun in the beginning, but I was still happy when the timer rang after five minutes. It involved a lot of boundary setting on my part while he learned a lot about what you can and cannot do.
What do your children love to do that you don't but do anyway? What can you do to find a way to both enjoy your time together? I know setting a time limit helps my enjoyment of their pleasure without exhausting mine, what about you?
#listening #curiousity#respectfulparenting #learningstyle #knowwhatyouwant #boundaries #gentleparenting #selfknowledge #positiveparenting #choice #power #consent#consentskills #practiceconsent #consentopportunities #parentingtips #empoweringyouth #learning #negotiations #samtycke #barn #lärande #nyfikenhet #lust #utbildning #pleasuretherapy #consenteducator #consentjourney #teachkidsconsent #allow #emotionalintelligence #wheelofconsent #thewheelofconsent #wrestle