Day 11: Funny Friday – Tickle Friday
Clarity makes tickling fun for all.
Consent+communication+touch is a recipe for success
This innocent and playful form of touch is consent training and, in the long run, our children's first crucial training in healthy intimacy. Our most important intimacy lessons happen in childhood in relationships with our caretakers.
Sometimes if the tickling gets too intense or out of hand, like what happens between kids at times. Slowing down or applying the
concepts from the Wheel of Consent often help).
My kids are getting more comfortable and skilled at talking about how and where they want to be tickled. It makes it more fun for us when they are empowered and in control of their experience.
P.s. I want to add that my kids are thrilled and proud to be featured in my blog. I am so happy to give them credit because consent skills develop through relationships, and my children mean the world to me. We explore life together and they help me stay humble and happy ❤
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